Sulfitanin (IOC)

Solution of ammonium bisulfite and tannin at 100 g/L of pure SO2. Solution for SO2 addition mostly in must.

SULFITANIN LIQUID is used during harvest:

  • In the must tank : to prevent from oxidasic casse and all microbiological alterations.
  • for red wines, in the maceration tank : to extract and stabilize the color.

SULFITANIN LIQUID properties are:

  • by its antiseptic action : it prevents the growth of indigenous undesirable yeasts and bacterias.
  • acts on prevention from oxydasic casse.
  • it helps to extract color by dissolution of anthocyanins of the skins.
  • Tannins reinforce the anti-oxidant strenght of SO2 and complete its antiseptic action. It gives a better structure and a better ability to age the wine without giving astringency to white wines.
  • it helps to stabilize the color for red wines.